Monday, June 3, 2024

Raveena Tandon, driver assaulted by crowd in Bandra; cops say her car didn't hit anyone

~ The Mumbai Police, in the course of its investigation into the road rage incident involving actor Raveena Tandon, has found that her car did not collide with anyone ~ 

Bollywood actor Raveena Tandon and her driver were allegedly attacked by a mob in Carter Road, Bandra amid rash driving claims against the driver. A viral video shows a group of angry residents accusing Raveena and her driver of assaulting three women and the actor being cornered by an agitated mob.

When asked about the incident, the Khar police said that there was no injury caused to anyone and there was no case of rash or drunk driving either. While no FIR has been registered, a station diary entry has been made at the Khar police station, the official added. There was no word yet from Raveena on the incident.

In a viral video, a man had claimed that Raveena’s driver hit his mother, and when questioned, she started assaulting her. He had claimed the incident happened when he was walking with his mother, sister, and niece near the actor’s house.

According to the Khar police official, CCTV footage from the vicinity of the Khar-based building, where the incident occurred, showed that women were in close proximity to the actor's car but were not struck by it.

The video, however, allegedly portrayed a different picture. The complainant claimed on the video that Tandon’s driver allegedly came out of the car and started abusing and assaulting his mother and daughter. Following this, a crowd of angry residents gathered at the spot and allegedly attacked the driver.

After Raveena got out of her vehicle to speak to the crowd, she was allegedly pushed and hit, he said. In the viral video, Raveena is heard saying ‘please don’t hit me’. In the video, a man is heard saying that Raveena’s driver hit his mother, and when questioned, started assaulting her. Claiming that the actress was inebriated, the man said that when she stepped out of the vehicle, she started assaulting the woman. The Khar police said that they are investigating the case though no First Information Report has been registered yet.

Raj Tilak Roushan, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone 9) said that the complainants, who identified themselves as Mohammed and Tando, had both approached the police on Saturday night but they reached a compromise and none of the two pressed for the registration of the FIR.

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